Hi, my name's Caitlin.

On my first birthday, I threw a tantrum over not eating birthday cake when I wanted and fell through a window. 
If you don’t think my lack of spatial awareness set the tone for the next 20 years you are somewhat sorely mistaken.
With my recognition of mortality and the grey hairs gathered these two decades, I decided that life’s too short not to do the things you love and experience everything you can.
For that reason, I see myself as a Creative Advertiser. 
I’m a dabbler, an explorer, a jack-of-all-trades.
Copywriting and Art Direction are the roads to my soul. Social Media is a regularly favoured pitstop. Strategy has been a proven fan-favourite. Branding a worthwhile detour.
So, without further ado, welcome to my folio, check out my blog, shout out over my social media, or contact me for anything else.
After all, life is too short to not have cake and to view bad advertising.
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